As can be seen, there are three main elements, the tent or cave structure on the left, the long 'dog' in the foreground and a banner and weapons? referees? at the back. Of course it was all heavily personal, relating to poetry I was writing at the time and directly to my relationship with Eva, which was volatile, to say the least. Broadly it's about a male/female battle or dance which could relate to an internal drama, i.e. coming to some accommodation with ones own male/female self as much as me and the Her or other. I saw myself as working poetically, looking for visual rhymes and cross nuances of meaning and of course, ambiguity, were meaning or association might strike off at a tangent that seems to lead to a cul-de-sac but, hopefully, manages to turn back to, or cross reference, a major theme. On the opening night I had some of the D.A.B.Sci. people playing 'free form, music from under the bank of seats facing the piece. All very theatrical. Barry Flanagan came, after I pestered him in the Queens Elm. He found the writing and 'music' a trifle over egging but quite liked the piece.