An attempt to make some sort of statement for my Wimbledon Degree show, various versions.

Proposition 1
I am constantly aware of the space I have to control.
Sculpture is a personification of that control in a real space not tied to me.

Sculpture is not an attempt at description, explanation or apology for anything in me.
Its' referential areas are subordinate to the whole. It is another experience.

Sculpture goes beyond words but is not divorced from them. It is an unhappy marriage with no absolution.

It is neccesary to make sculpture in order to experience it. Because it is neccesary doesn't mean it is desirable or enjoyable.

Sculpture transcends all barriers of understanding.
It is knowable.
Sculpture should contain all undesirable elements (fatuous), academic, reverant, superficial, slick, contrived, intellectual, emotional (obsequious), wether the initial postulates are considered new or old.
( These are the cards but the trick is yours.)

Sculpture has no thickness. It's surface suggests it's space. ( consider; light suggests colour-- suggests surface-- suggests space-- Sonne et Lumnier is nowhere.)

My sculpture is designed to enable me to orientate, by means of obvious links, disparate concerns and elements within my own personality. By joining symbols, in an apparently obvious way, visually, I reinforce relations and descisions I have arrived at that I consider to be impingent on my operating as a human being. I use easily assimilated materials presented with the maximum amount of availability to the spectator, in terms of the viewing context and complexity of symbolic referance.

I am a
spectator. At twenty two 'I am too educated to be innocent, too ignorant to be guilty,' so I constantly attempt to put myself on trial. My sculpture is not the verdict, it's the crime.

My sculpture helps me to orientate, by means of obvious links, disparate concerns and elements within my own personality.
 'My heart is eaten by a dove; a cat scrambles in the cave of my sex; hounds in my head obey a whip master who cries havoc as the hours test my endurance with an accumulation of tortures.'

I don't believe in the solidity of personality, nor in any psychological menage a trois. I am drawn towards postures and pretensions, contradictions and styles of evasion. I operate when and how I can with what I've learnt in as many ways as possible. I have no true opinions. Only when I make sculpture do I try and lay it on the line.